Saturday, February 18, 2012

Growing Bean

Once again, I'm a terrible mother.  I've neglected to share pictures of my bebe with the world for a few months.  So today I will rectify that by doing a photo dump off my iPhone from the past few months.  I know, I know - I've made your day.  Feel free to thank me via lavish gifts.
There's really not much new to share- she continues to grow like a weed.  I'm not sure how much she weighs now but considering Ryan tried to do a clean with her the other day and was unsuccessful for the first time... I'd put her in the 90 pound range.  No one has told her that though, as you'll see from the pictures below.

Without further adieu, I give you the growing bean...

P.S. I just got home from London & Finland for work.  Look forward to those upcoming posts.  They involve tales of travel woe and some awesome safety glasses.

What?  You want to look at pictures of me? (She does have a left ear... don't worry.  She's just verrrrry flexible in the ear department).

*sigh* These people exhaust me.

I believe this is what the biology books call a symbiotic relationship.

As Lola has grown she's decided the couch isn't just for people.  She does this very regularly.

People ask me often if Lola sleeps with us.  This is precisely why she does not.  Where would I sleep?

She wants to grow up to be either a gymnast or a contortionist.

Chip off the tall block.  She's not even sitting up straight here.

So angelic that you'd never believe this face destroyed her bed a week ago.  (Don't remind Ryan though).

This is new.  She literally will crawl into our laps.  I've really got to talk to her about sitting more lady-like.

Bonus video.  If you teach your dog to love hoses, bathing them is never an issue.

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