I wish that I had found the time to plan something really spectacular for Emery's Daddy's very first Father's Day, but I got wrapped up in trying to get used to this whole working Mama thing. Then, all of a sudden, the holiday was upon us. The laid back-ness of our celebration certainly doesn't do Ryan's fatherhood skills justice.
Emery's Papa Bear really is the best. He makes every effort to maximize the amount of time he gets to spend with baby girl. If you haven't had the pleasure of living with someone who works shift work, just trust me when I say finding time is no easy task. It requires a lot of sacrificing of sleep and a lot of dedication. Seeing the two of them together truly does melt my heart. Daddy's chest is still her favorite place in the world to sleep. I already see so much of him in her and I can't wait to see how those traits continue to develop. (Still have my fingers crossed she doesn't inherit his .)
In addition to all he does for our little angel, he takes good care of me as well. Ryan is the lighter sleeper of the two of us, so sometimes if he hears Em stirring before I do he will go feed her himself without my even knowing it. If he's on a night shift and knows I've had a rough evening- he will bring me breakfast when he comes home. Ryan makes dinner most nights he's home so that I can focus on keeping the booger fed and happy. On top of all this, he keeps me in stitches on a daily basis and sometimes that's all you really need to get through a tough day. Needless to say, Emery & I are some very lucky girls.
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't point out how fabulous both my Daddy and my Father-in-Law are. If it weren't for them singing obnoxious songs to us (read: my Dad) or feeding us M&M's at far too young of an age (read: Mike), surely Ryan & I wouldn't have turned into the model adults we have become. Haaaaa. Seriously though, we are beyond blessed to have such wise, hard-working, funny guys to have as role models.
Enough about the Daddys- we don't need to inflate those egos any further, do we? :c) Our celebration entailed Mama making breakfast while juggling a fussy little miss mid-morning.
I know what you're thinking. With that degree of difficulty, how am I NOT America's next Food Network Star? I can't answer that for you friends.
Later in the evening, Ryan's family and my family came over to the house and we grilled hotdogs, hamburgers and brats. Great food, great convo and great company... your usual family event. It was so nice to get to hang out with everyone without having to make the trek with Lola, Emery & their trappings from Conroe to the Branch. We really appreciated everyone making the effort to come to our house- so thank you very, very much fam! Happiest of Father's Days to all the Daddies out there.
Good night moon? Not interested. Ergo Baby instructions? Yes please.
I really intended to take lots of pictures from this gathering... I had my camera out and everything. THEN this little sass-a-frass decided to throw her biggest/longest fuss fit in over a month. So Mama was busy feeding, rocking, bouncing, etc. Sorrrrrry folks!
A for effort, my friend! EmKat is just so cute in her little outfits!