On October 18th Miss Brynn added an 11th (monthly) notch to her belt. This month was, say it with me now- just fabulous!
Does this necklace make me look fat, Mom?
I'm sure from the outside these months between 7 and 12 or so sound so boring because they aren't about hitting a new milestone every day but I can assure you from life on the inside that could not be further from the truth. These months are actually some of my favorite because you get to see them really refine some of the fun stuff, start to interact with people and delight along with them at how awesome the way the world works is.
In terms of the milestone-y kind of stuff, Brynn really got good at standing up. I spent most of the month thinking that she might decide any day was the day she was going to start walking. She was definitely strong enough, just not generally very interested. Mobile doesn't begin to cover this kid. I stated at least 2x a week when people asked if she was walking that I looked forward to the day she did because it would at least slow her down for a second. I'm not sure if the fact that she could outcrawl me was more a testament to her quickness or proof I should exercise more. I prefer to think it was mainly the former.
Get my bow side, please!
Food wise, this kid remained in firm BFF-hood with meal time. Brynn has the sweetest, most laid-back demeanor until she gets hungry. Then she goes from model child to extreme h-anger in a millisecond. If ever they do a "you're not you when you're hungry," Snickers commercial gears towards kids- she needs to be first in line. This same level of enthusiasm and lack of patience can be found in her drinking skills. Look out UT (we all know she'll side with her mother's Alma Mater) Class of 2036- your beer chugging champ resides in Houston in my home.
My little love bug's personality continued to evolve along the same lines you would expect. Her demeanor is sweet and laid back except when hunger strikes. I would say about 50% of the time she can be found contently playing by herself and the other 50% she can be found trying to see and do exactly what her sister is up to. Her absolute FAVORITE game on the planet is being chased or chasing you. She starts laughing like a maniac as soon as she thinks you're after her. And because her laugh is so contagious- you start chasing her even if that totally wasn't what you were doing. Cutest. Thing. Ever. Unless you're running late and trying to get her in shoes.
Step off sister, this is MY spotlight! (Editor's note: Sister is ALWAYS off to the side. Meaning one parent takes photos and the other tries to distract her whilst acting a fool to get Brynn's attention. If I thought taking these with one was hard, I had no idea what awaited.)
She continues to be way more into Lola than Lola is into her. One of her favorite pastimes is crawling into Lola's bed. Lola and I share the same sentiment on this one- we both dislike it. This month Brynn also got really into shaking her head no. I actually do think she understands it but mainly she knows it is sure to make us laugh and so that's it's most likely usage.
Another incredible month with an incredible kid. I can't say enough how much we love you, my little doll face!
Apparently my attention-getting tactics were particularly offensive this shoot.
Brynn had a great month at school and there really isn't too terribly much to report. Based on what her teachers tell us, I think she's exactly the same kid at school that she is as home. She loves to play with books, babble and is easy to put to sleep.
Oh, one thing Ryan has mentioned is that, like her sister, when he drops her off in the morning, once she sees the Cheerios come out- he may as well not exist. Food over everything.
Look at all those luscious locks.
- Height: 28.5"
- Weight: 21 lbs 0 oz
- Head: Not sure why I keep putting this on here in months we don't go to the Dr.
- Diaper Size: 4
- Clothes: I still squeeze her in 9-12 but I think she really needs to start moving into 12-18
- Feeding: A 6 oz bottle about every 3 hours. Although sometimes she's more or less interested depending on if she just had a meal. She eats 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks when she's at school. At home with us she probably eats meals that are a little larger and thus only has a couple snacks. She's still not into fruit. At all. Meat and veggies are her main squeeze though. I blame this on my gestational diabetes.
- Sleeping: Same story, different month. Kid has a strict 7:15 bed time. If you don't have her bathed and aren't headed up the stairs at this time, she will let you know about it. At school she takes about 2 naps a day each for a total of 45 mins to 1.5 hours. On the weekends with us she takes 2 naps for a total of probably 2.5-3 hours. She is usually up by 7:15 am on the weekends.
- Favorite Songs/Games: Like I mentioned- her absolute favorite game is being "chased" which is closely followed by anything that results in her being upside down.
- Other Notables: At this age Emery flipped back and forth a lot between using her left and right hand. Brynn nearly always uses her right hand.
I call this series the proof-shes-her-Daddy's montage. Closing eyes and spoiling the otherwise-perfect picture? Check.
Unamused side eye directed at Mama? Check.
Complete refusal to cooperate when she's tapped out? Check.
She is really starting to look like Emery. In that first picture alone I did a quick double take! The concluding series' captions are spot on. GENETICS ARE INSANE! Plus you can really tell she's picking up on things around her because I'm sure she's seen those three looks 1K times at this point.