Thursday, June 21, 2012

The One

I'm currently about 6 posts or so behind.  I meant to get them knocked out rapid-fire after I finished posting about McMartin family vacation so that I could pat myself on the back for being caught up for once.  Unfortunately I only got one post typed and ready to go before our family suffered a cripplingly heart-breaking loss last Wednesday.  It's been on my heart and mind since and I quite frankly haven't felt like writing.  I debated posting about it now, but I decided to continue posting in chronological order.  That way hopefully by the time I'm caught up I'll have collected my thoughts and some semblance of the appropriate words.  In the meantime, if you're the praying type, prayers for my family's strength and peace would be most appreciated.  I apologize for the divergence from my typical anti-serious story telling style, but it warranted explanation.  And now back to your regularly scheduled program...

Apparently only fabulous creatures make their world debut in the middle of May because on May 16th, the Wednesday after I went to Dallas to celebrate Melissa's birthday, we celebrated Princess Whiskerface's 1st birthday.  Granted she's a dog, so "celebrated" is a loose term. 

I'm not totally sure how you are supposed to mark a dog's first birthday.  I am pretty sure googling that would only result in me questioning people's sanity and/or wondering why they don't have more hobbies.  In lieu of doing so,  Ryan & I decided that giving her a really nice dog bone and some scraps from the steaks we had for dinner that evening should suffice.  I may have also decided that an iPhone photo shoot was in order.  (Hey, I am a Mom after all.)  Upon reviewing said photoshoot, I should have considered changing out of my workout clothes, but hindsight is 20/20, right?

While she remained pretty mum on the topic when asked, I think she enjoyed it.  Who wouldn't want to eat some steak and hang out with Ryan & I?!  Now that she's 1 am I expected to stop devoting entire posts to her?  I can't promise you people anything but I will do my best.  :c) 

Happy Birthday to the Lola Lane!

 Mom.  You're sweaty so I'm realllly not sure why you think getting this close is acceptable.  Can we wrap this up?

 Is 1 the age that she'll stop sleeping like a contortionist?  Appears not.

 What, no one in your household cradles their 100 pound beast like a newborn?  Well aren't you odd.

Typically in the mornings I open the back door and let Lola out to do her thang while I make coffee.  Usually after she feels accomplished by chasing any squirrels in the yard and sniffing the entire premises to make sure she hasn't missed anything, she lets herself back in the house.  One morning she was taking much longer than usual and I poked my head outside to find her sunbathing.   A very proud mother moment indeed.

1 is also not the age that she stops pouting when no one is looking at, talking to or petting her.  Do you see how pitiful she can make herself look?!   "Gosh I wish someone loved me..."

 Why yes, that is half a sleeping mastiff under my bed.

 Lola gets so excited when Ryan gets home from working a night that she literally leaps into his lap.  He's well-prepared for a future in Mall Santa-ing.

 Person:Popcorn at a movie as Dog:Nyla-bone while watching squirrels out the window.  I found this while locking up one morning before leaving for work.

Happy Birthday to ME.


  1. Amy, I will be praying for your family and I hope you will find comfort in each other as you struggle with your loss. Thinking of you and sending hugs your way.

  2. You definitely do not have to stop posting after they turn 1!

    And I hope everything is okay with your family. I will be praying for you.

