Monday, April 21, 2014

Showering the Future Mrs. Herndon

On Saturday March 22nd, I helped host a bridal shower for the prettiest bride I know, my sister, at our house.  My incredible Mamacita was kind enough to have a slumber party the night before to help me get everything prepared.  This may or may not be because my husband was worried about sprouting lady parts if I requested his help in one more girly task.  Regardless of the cause- I really don't know how I got so lucky or what I'd do without her.

Julie's fantastic friends and bridesmaids, Rachel & Morgan, put together a preeeeeetty hilarious quiz game for us to play.  Another ah-mazing bridesmaid and friend, Lauren, brought delicious desserts from Nothing Bundt Cake because what gathering of more than 2 women is complete without some sugar-y calories?  Last, but in no way least, Julie's sweet bridesmaid and friend, Leah, brought the most important ingredient for any bridal soiree- champagne!  If the above factors don't equate a good time to you- I don't know what does.

We spent the afternoon showering the gorgeous Bride with all the love, support and good natured jesting that she's always showed all of us. As you can tell, Julie is definitely the better of the Boarman sisters and I hope that she enjoyed her shower as much as we did throwing it.  Love you lots, JuJuBee!

Oh, and although I know you'll be able to tell immediately by the quality of the photos below, I didn't take these.  Shawna did.  Probably the only time any photos in my house will look like they belong in a picture frame- all on account of her skills and definitely not mine!

The Herndons cleaned up!

Caddy's flower arranging skills strike again.

The spread.

Ryan would probably insist I let you know he made these.  He'd probably also insist you give him a standing ovation right now at your desk.

Fashionista from the get-go- rocking the sun hat decades before it was hip.

Mimosa bar.

This is an example of how things sound easier in your head than in reality.

Fruit.  And dip.  In case the card wasn't helping you out.

Lauren was totally MVP for the day with these bad boys.

What's a bridal shower without some bling?

Thank yooooou.

Julie & her Mama & Mama-in-Law.  I have no idea what was so enthralling in the corner of our dining room.

I really hope this deep conversation was Bachelorette Party shenan plotting.  (Lauren, Morgan & Leah)

Mrs. Herndon, Mamacita, Ms. Brenda & Mrs. Howarth swapping tips for how to live with a dude, and stay married, for 20+ years.

The only 2 people in the world (besides myself) who have landed me grounded.  Ahhh, youth, marshmallows and neighborhood children's bikes.  (Jen & Erin)

Quiz time.  I think Lauren is looking up answers on her phone.  JK JK.

Morgan, look.  The peeps story would have made for a GREAT question on this quiz.

Mrs. Herndon giving an all-knowing smile.  She knows what life with David is like.

This is the most focused I've ever seen Jen look.  Clearly a prize was on the line.

It's really hard to look good opening presents.  Unless you're Julie, apparently.

Julie & her bridal shower helpers- Mamacita, Yours Truly, Morgan, the Bride, Lauren & Leah.

Mrs. Herndon, Julie & Caddy.


  1. Looked lovely and delicious! So exciting you can rest now! Sort of...

  2. Awww... a bridal shower AND a blog post?!? You really do spoil me! Love you mucho! Thanks so much for hosting the most perfect shower! :)

  3. All the shower decor is beautiful! I especially love the way you wrapped the flower vases. Your house looks fab too, please come decorate mine thank you. Congrats Julie!!
