Tuesday, January 4, 2011

(NSFJ) Let There Be BLINGY Light

As I've stated multiple times in the past, I have a special place in my heart for HGTV.  For the better part of highschool I wanted to be an interior decorator.  Given these facts and my selectively impatient nature, it is driving me nuts that Ryan and I can't completely paint, furnish and decorate our new house like... YESTERDAY.  However, given the following statistics: 1 mortgage, 1 lease and 0 millionaires between the 2 of us- my impatience is just going to have to take a backseat.  I promise to post some before/after shots of rooms as we finish them but that won't be until (way) after we've tied the knot... unless we win the lottery.  In the meantime, I'll post pictures of pieces of the puzzle that I'm particularly excited about. 

You may be wondering what the "NSFJ" in the post is all about.  My beloved BFF, Jen, has informed me that posts about my house decorations are not her fav.  Therefore, to save her time, and any of you who may be of  similar persuasions, I'll designate any house decor-related posts "NSFJ" (not suitable for Jen) so you know to head straight to Perez and not to waste your time here.  What?  You think that's the kindest thing anyone's ever done for you?  Oh stop, you're making me blush.

Below is the very first purchase I made after I found out we got the house.  It sat in my apartment on the floor for a solid month.  Ryan may or may not have caught me on 2.5 separate occasions trying to take it out of the box to look at it despite his warnings that I would "ruin the packaging" and "make it hard to transport."  Pish posh.

Woohoo!  No, the paint color is not staying.

With light

On New Years Eve, Ryan's dad, my dad and my brother were kind enough to come over and help us hang this bad boy and 2 ceiling fans.  Minimal blood was shed, minimal directions were read and the maximum pizza was ordered.  Thank you all for your help!

Bonus photo of the boys' handiwork.  No, that paint color isn't staying either.


  1. I DON'T LIKE READING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE'S HOUSE DECORATIONS but I feel differently about yours!! :)

  2. I'm glad i wasted my time reading the first paragraph before finding out this was a NSFJ post! WTF. jk.

    You are MORE than welcome to do some redecorating at my house as I am finding out that if I don't intervene soon I will have tiger woods 18th hole greenery stapled to my wall one of these days.
