Monday, May 16, 2011

Sixteen Candles... er... Celebrations

Smack dab in the middle of my busiest month came my favorite day of the whole year - the day that my beloved future hubby can no longer call me a cougar... for the next 5.5 months at least.  Ryan turned 28 on April 18th and for those of you keeping score, that makes him approximately 6.5 months younger than me.  What?  You could tell I was older just because I'm so much wiser and more mature?  Oh, go on. 

Ryan reminds me of this minor age gap on a regular basis during those 6.5 months via such terms of endearment as "cradle-robber" and "cougar."  He is such a romantic.  As those of you near and dear to me are aware- I've been pretty busy this month but I refused to have a repeat performance of last year... where I did not even acknowledge Ryan's birthday until June.  This year he got spoiled with about 27 separate celebrations.  So perhaps I exaggerate slightly but I would say that we definitely made up for lost time.

First, the Saturday before his birthday his dear friend Jimmer and his lovely wife Beth were kind enough to have Ryan & the abbreviated crew over to celebrate.  We were all treated to the most mouth-watering fajitas ever, a fabulous cookie cake and even more fabulous company - capped off by watching their adorable boxer, Shiner, open the door BY HIMSELF.  Thank you so much to Jimmer & Beth - Ryan may have had poor choice in hairstyles as a child, but at least he had great taste in friends.

Shawna is very excited about cookie cake.

21 again.  It's a special time in a young man's life, indeed.

The next day we went over to Ryan's parents house to celebrate with the Martin folk.  At casa Martin we indulged in some excellent reality TV a la TLC's The Lottery Changed My Life.  We all learned a valuable lesson and that lesson is that if you are a lottery winner and you have a yellow lamborghini, that does not mean that your dog will not take a leak on it for all of America to see.  In addition to acquiring such sage wisdom, we were also spoiled with fabulous roast beef and an amazing homemade spice cake.  Ryan scored some much-needed home owner essentials for his present... drum roll please... a HOSE and a bucket.  If you'd have told me when I was 5 and I got a bike for Christmas that one day getting a hose would elicit the same level of excitement I'd have thought you were on drugs.  Life is funny.  I love my future in-laws. 

Oh, did you  need that eye?

Mmmhmmm... cutest niece ever.

Singing Happy Birthday.  Obvi.

Sometimes you age 7 years over night.

You's a hose.  Yup, went there.

Ryan's gift to himself, apparently.

The Thursday after his birthday I arranged a low-key birthday HH for Ryan at the Cellar.  Then, true to form, I got caught up at work and missed nearly all of the HH.  I arrived approximately 30 minutes before the birthday boy requested a chariot take him to Jack in the Box immediately.  I did get to see some people I haven't seen in a long time- even if only for a few minutes.  Thank you to everyone who showed up!  Sorry I was tardy for the party. 

The Friday after his birthday (which was Good Friday), we met at the Cheesecake Factory in the Woodlands to celebrate with my family.  If you read my most recent installment of Nuptial News, you may be putting together that this is the day that we bought Ryan's ring and he made me propose to him.  We had a fantastic dinner with the family and then went home to celebrate with cupcakes, brownies and re-gifted Nintendo 64s.  Thank you family for lots of laughs and even more calories.

Wishing for a proposal.

Finally on April 30th, Ryan's good friend and old roommate, David, hosted the (I believe) 3rd sporadically-annual Herntin bash.  David's birthday is the 28th and Ryan is the 18th so it's a perfect opportunity to double the birthday and double the celebration.  David hosted a big group of crazy 20 somethings at his beautiful new house.  Good times and bad beerpong were enjoyed by all.  Thank you David for being brave enough to have us all over!

All in all, I would say that it was a pretty good birthday for the future hubs.  Thank you to everyone who made it that way... Happy Birthday again lova- I look forward to looooots more!  

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