Oh, my sweet little Brynn. Where to begin? I am still in denial that she's reached the one month mark and we're nearly at 2. I realize that's a very cliche parental statement and I don't even care. I really need to start preparing myself, don't I? Having a child around the holidays makes the time absolutely fly - so keep that in mind when you're doing your family planning.
I'm sure the main question on everyone's mind is- how does Brynn compare to Emery as an infant? If you know me or have followed this blog, you likely recall that Emery was an extremely challenging infant through about 4 months or so. Is Brynn as difficult? Definitely not is the answer to that question. However as the older sister who was difficult and later had to read in her sister's baby book (verbatim) that she "continues to be our little angel" - I will be sure to document that while she's easier, she's not one of those babies you see in the movies either. (Also girls- please note that Mama and Daddy love you easily and wouldn't change one thing about you... We also realize that teenager-hood you may flip roles.)
Ok, give me your best Olan Mills impression and... go.
What's tough, you ask? Brynn in many respects is a highly watered down version of Emery in terms of the challenges we experience. She hates the car also. She screams about 80% of the time versus Emery's 100%. It's every bit as awesome as I remember the experience the first time around. Brynn also won't sleep on her own for the most part. Her Daddy and I once again have set up shop on the couch in the living room. Lola is the only one sleeping in our bedroom which I think is the only thing keeping her from auditioning for one of those heartwrenching SPCA commercials. Brynn also abhors being in the stroller and insists on being in the Moby wrap if her Mama doesn't want to make a total scene in a public location. Brynn is also a belly sleeper. How do we know? Because many times in the morning if I put her down on her belly for tummy time, I'll return to a passed out infant. I've left her to see how long she'll stay like that (under my watchful eye, of course) and it's a dishearteningly long time. Longer than she sleeps on us. The last similarity I can think of is that both of them seem to spend long amounts of time awake for their age.
Whaaaaat are we doing here, Mama?
What's different? I wouldn't say Brynn is "colic-y". We are at 6 weeks now, so I feel a little bit more confident saying this out loud since this is the time frame it's supposed to peak at. I also would say that she isn't as physically loud as Emery ever was. For instance on the car ride to and from Conroe over Christmas she cried/screamed the whole way but Ryan and I were able to carry on a conversation over it. With Emery that never could have happened. The most noteable difference is that Brynn will have significant amounts of time awake and happily looking around checking out the world around her. If all her needs are met (recently changed, fed, etc) she can sit and happily look around for 20 minutes or more. I can think of about 3 different things I can do to make her content. With Emery, nothing ever made her happy consistently.
So, it isn't all just about comparing these two, of course. Let's talk about some of the adorable things that make Brynn herself, shall we? I alluded to it in the photo dump post but I'm going to document it here also because it's just one of my favorite things about her. From the time she was born, when she's awake Brynn has done this maneuver that I have termed the cobra. If you hold her straight up and down on you (which is her favorite way to be held), she will lift her head up and gaze up at you with those dark eyes while her little head goes back and forth. She reallllly checks people out. I know once her neck strength gets up she won't do this as much any more, so for now I am soaking it up.
Seriously, I'm starting to believe you're a little nuts. Why are you sweating?
In terms of your typical baby questions- she eats well and has the ability to sleep well. When we left the hospital, she wasn't eating, much like her sister. Because of the troubles we had with Emery's weight early on, I was incredibly worked up about it. My pediatrician (a new one since Emery's birth) told me to relax and that it would work itself out. Sure enough, when I got home she took to it pretty quickly. By about a week out she was back up to her birth weight. Sleeping wise, I really think because she is a bigger girl to begin with, she has had a few spells of sleeping 5-5.5 hours at night. It's not all the time but it's very uplifting and her parentals sure appreciate these little gifts.
Last, but not least, I definitely need to document that she is a Mama's girl. A semi-manipulative one at that. A lot of times she will be just fine, I hand her off to go to the bathroom/feed myself/try to do something productive, and she will launch into a fit. She will try to treat whomever is holding her like an all you can eat buffet until they hand her back to me, at which point she settles down and falls asleep. Because she wasn't really hungry to begin with. Sometimes when I really just want to take a shower this is a bit troublesome, but overall it warms my heart. Emery is such a Daddy's girl that it's nice to have one want to cuddle with the Mama.
Channeling her inner Zoolander.
Overall, despite it having been a tiring and chaotic first month- it was an awesome one. I know how quickly this time flies and I'm making an effort to truly be present and try to block out the things that are difficult to enjoy the things that are incredible. They're only little for so long, after all. Before I know it, she'll be the one running around the house yelling "NO NO NO NO NO!" We love you to pieces, bebe! It's tough to remember life before you and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Little wiggleworm.
The Stats
- Height at 2 Weeks*: 22.25" (99th percentile)
- Weight at 2 Weeks*: 9 lbs 10 oz (96th percentile)
- Head Circumference at 2 Weeks*: 14.5 in (97th percentile)
- Height at 1 Month: 23"
- Weight at 1 Month: 10 lbs 12 oz
- Diaper Size: 1 but I have a feeling these won't last long
- Clothes: 0-3 months
- Feeding: During the day she typically eats every 2 hours. At night it's usually between 3-5 hours between feedings but some nights she cluster feeds like during the day.
- Sleeping: As I noted above, she CAN sleep up to 5 or 5.5 hours. It's not the standard. She will give us one 3-4 hour stretch per evening though.
- Favorite Games: She loooooves to have you "sit" her up on your lap so she can look at you.
- Things Dropped on Her in the Moby Wrap: Iced coffee (Mama). BBQ Sauce (Daddy).
- Other Notables: She isn't as into tummy time as I'd like her to be. She loves to suck on her hand when she can find it.