Monday, April 13, 2015

i(Phone) Spy: Month Four - Brynn

Just a few days after her sister's birthday party, it was our little Brynn-cess' turn for a minute in the spotlight.  On March 18th she turned FOUR MONTHS old.  That's 1/3rd of a year you guys.  More than a quarter!  I know it wouldn't be a monthly update on either kid unless I said this, so let me put your mind at ease - it still doesn't seem real to me.  Time is just going by way, way too fast for this Mama's approval.

Enjoy some pictures of our littlest love bug while I work out my differences with Father Time.

This was boo boo the Friday evening of her first week of school.  I believe we had been home approximately 10 mins.  She comes by this naturally as it's exactly how I feel on Friday evenings.

I can't imagine what this face was about because this child is rarely troubled.

Sister moves so fast it puts me in a trance, Mama.

I maintain that there is nothing sweeter on the planet than a sleeping baby.  Especially true when it's YOUR sleeping baby.

She's sharing again.  Heaven help us all.  Does she think I'm going to diaper Uma?!

Huh.  I wonder why Daddy's medicine comes in a can and mine comes in a bottle.  Adults are so weird.

L-O-V-E this baby's smile.

I have a fun game, Mama.  I'm going to wake you up at the EXACT worst point in your morning to wake you up, then I'm going to fall back asleep to really throw your day off.  You're welcome.

I fart like a full-sized man.  Isn't that hilarious?!

My rendition of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" really IS this hilarious.

I dread the day that my smiling like a maniac and saying "BOO!" doesn't elicit this response.  It's such a fun ego boost.

Her pensive sleeping pose.

Dragonfly... how did you manage to follow me out here?!

That's a wrap on month 3.  Now let's talk about some green beer, shall we?

1 comment:

  1. Whataburger shirt, ftw. Her smiles are so great and effusive!
