Thursday, August 15, 2013

Zoo Bee Do Whop

As if the previous posts and pictures weren't firm enough evidence that my family is crazy- to put the nail in that coffin we decided to all trek to the Houston Zoo on July 5th.  In the afternoon if we want to get precise.  That's correct- 20 people, 4 cars, 4 kids, 2 infants, 2 hours of drive time, 100+ degrees.  It was wild.

Was it hot?  Sure.  Did we feel like we were going to melt?  Most definitely.  Did I sweat more than my entire volleyball career in one day?  Absolutely.  Was everyone exhausted by the end?  You know it.  Would I do it all over again?  In a heartbeat.  It was so much fun to watch the kiddos see the animals and hear their perspective.  Nothing puts a smile on your face like seeing the world through a child's eyes.

Ryan apparently thought it was theme week.  On an unrelated note, its the last time I let him pack unsupervised.

Lucy was also shocked to see Ryan's outfit selection.

The Aunts go marching 1 by 1.. hurrah, hurrah.  (My pun-iness is truly mind boggling)

Julie is clearly impressed by the sea lion exhibit.

Kyle experienced some heart palpitations at the hand of some frisky deer family members.

Not impressed with Jimmy James' paparazzi lens.

Such a realistic back drop for this dear icon.

Av getting some cold, hard Bald Eagle facts.

Action shots.  Because I want Emery to know some day that we did in fact TRY to make her appreciate strollers.

Is he not the cutest little man?  That goat & I could both just eat him up.

Av teaching her new friend about proper hygiene.

This mama's second favorite zoo animal (behind hippos-duh).

I don't always dress like I'll be running the 9 AM elephant feeding, but when I do I make sure I strap my child to my chest.


  1. Ryan's outfit is ridiculous. I kinda forgot that happened. haha.

  2. and the fact that the baby carrier matches his outfit...priceless!!

  3. I'm gonna slow clap that outfit. Ryan is going to embarrass the snot outta Emery every day of the rest of her cognizant life. Oh man, I can already envision the blog postings. :-D
