Monday, March 3, 2014

I Love Balloon

A few weeks back everyone's favorite Hallmark holiday struck.  Ryan & I typically are not big Valentine's Day fanatics**. In fact, this conversation took place on approximately February 11th:

Me:  Are we observing Valentine's Day this year?
Ryan:  Sure!  When is it?
Me: Friday.
Ryan:  This one?  Oh, probably not.

I actually, not shockingly, get far more sentimental about our dating anniversary which is 2 days later.  However, we know I am not one to pass up a quality opportunity to dress my kid up, torture her for a bit with a photo shoot, and then post about it later.  Her first Valentine's Day was no exception.

I believe these photos speak volumes about my little Valentine's personality of late.  (P.S. I love everyone!  Happy belated Valentine's Day!)

I posted this one first because it was the best one I got.  Those are little hearts on her pants.

This is more what our photo shoots really look like.  Me trying desperately to seem interesting to my child and getting trumped by something, anything, she sees across the room.  It is excellent for my self esteem.

Mama, look what I found.  It's one of those things you keep trying to put on my head.  (Please ignore what Ryan & I affectionately refer to as the "magic butt paste" tube in her left hand.  When you are trying to get a tiny tot's attention, you pull out all the stops.)

Oh ****.  Mom.  Did you put one of these in my hair already?!  (Please note the furrowed brow of consternation.)

NOOOOOOOO!  (If you've ever wondered what sheer rage in a baby looks like- this is it.)

Get it off.  I quit.

Proof that her persistence gene come from her Mama.  Definitely slapped that bad boy right back on while furiously waving said magic butt paste as a distraction.

Her teacher at school got them all headbands, which I obviously tried to make her wear for a photo shoot sequel that afternoon after I picked her up.  Turns out she did not change her mind during school- things on her head are still not her BFF.

Praying that I will stop.

Hey, do you want this?  Mom keeps trying to make me wear it.  I think it would look better on you.

Daddy got Em a balloon as a present.  She was so entertained.

I have no idea what this face means but it makes me laugh.

Annnnd... Mama's present.  That's a wrap on Valentine's Day 2014.