Monday, July 21, 2014

Memorial Day

This past Memorial Day we did the standard thing we do for holidays- we headed up to pay my parents a visit in Conroe.  I really don't have very many pictures from the weekend nor do I have lots of stories to tell, but the summer holidays and their accompanying long weekends are some of my favorites during the year, so I didn't feel right about skipping it.  You can consider this a blog appetizer as there are several long ones headed your way soon!  

To summarize the weekend- we had a wonderful time, we talked, we laughed, we swam, we ate too much food and I took pictures of my child because I am obsessed with her.  I believe that about sums it up.  Much thanks to the family for hosting us and being so much fun.  I look forward to the next one - hopefully I'll do a better job documenting it photographically... but no promises!

Whooooa.  It's a crib with a ceiling?!  (Put down the phone- she walked in herself.  Many times.  Haha.)

Daddy and Miss Em.

She's so cute- I seriously just want to eat her.  Is that a normal parent reaction?

Hey.  Pool boy.  Can I get some service around here or what?!


  1. Totally normal to want to eat your children when they are that cute. I say it all the time and now that Savanna is old enough she gives me the serious side eye. o_O

  2. She's edidorable! No judgment if you take a little nibble here and there!
