Friday, September 26, 2014

Welcome back 20's: The Sequel

Well sports fans, clearly I'm behind in getting these bad boys posted, but I promised equality and equality I will deliver!  Let's hope that I can remember how I was feeling and what I accomplished in each of these 4 week chunks of time.  (For those of you who like comparisons, or just want to see how much bigger I am the second time around, check out the same post for my first pregnancy here.)

During this pregnancy, it wasn't QUITE so recently that I kissed my 20's good-bye as in my previous one, but none-the-less I got to relive being in them starting on Monday June 30th.  For the most part with baby Bucket I felt similar-ish to with Emery.  I still felt pretty sick my whole first trimester.  The difference was that with Emery I would feel sick, hurl and then gain some temporary reprieve.  With sweet baby Bucket I just felt terrible (read: world's worst hangover) all day but I rarely actually yacked.  I think I racked up a total vom count of 3 in the first trimester which was a significant improvement over the first go 'round.  Luckily this all straightened itself out around 14 weeks which is about when it did for Emery as well.

I remember with Emery the second trimester was like the heavens opened up, organs played and angels shined down on me.  The entire world was awesome.  This time around I would say all of that happened but like at 50%.  I was, and still am, far more tired than I was previously.  I have a sneaking suspicion this may have to do with trying to care for a very busy toddler at the same time as growing another diva, but who can say for sure?

19 Weeks & 3 days.  Can you spot the photobombers?

20 Weeks.  *sigh* RIP iPhone 5.

Let's see- what else?  We had our anatomy scan done at 19 weeks on June 24th.  We were blessed to find out that baby girl was measuring and growing right on track.  Bucket's heartbeat has typically been just a hair below where Emery's was at most appointments.  For instance Emery's first documented heartbeat was about 153, I believe.  Bucket's was 145.  They've continued to be about that far apart at each appointment.  I like to think this is because you're the laid back one, little missy.  (Haaaaa- Mama's hilarious.)

I definitely started feeling this sweet princess kicking around 18 weeks and she hasn't stopped.  I remember not thinking that Emery was a super active one until later in pregnancy but Bucket has been leading some jazzercise classes in there.  This does not bode well for my aforementioned theory that she's more laid back.

Oh, another thing that doesn't gel with my theory that she's laid back?  That at her anatomy scan, the ultrasound tech kept trying to get us a good face shot and Bucket kept her arms squarely in front of her face in an "x" the entire time, completely ignoring all poking, prodding and shaking to the contrary.  Is it possible that they both got my stubborn streak?  Heaven help us.

My precious lovey!  Note hand position.  No paparazzi, please.

Also at this point in pregnancy baby Bucket had already accumulated 2 stamps on her passport- 1 to Finland with Mama for work at around 16 weeks and 1 to the Dominican Republic for Aunt Julie's wedding at 17 weeks.  In case you are wondering- she absolutely did not like traveling.  The smell of the tiny plane bathrooms inspired her to remind Mama of her existence via puke near-misses.  Point taken little one- we'll try to hold off on travel until you're like... 15.  

That's about all I can think of to share for the first installment of my monthly pregnancy posts.  At this point in pregnancy Mama was still craaaaaaazy busy at work, so no progress was made on names, nursery ideas or even Zulily-purchasing.  I know this is shocking for everyone who is reading this.  Don't worry though- I've made up for it later on.  ;c)

As always- thank you to everyone for all of your love and support with this second pregnancy.  It's certainly been a bit more difficult than the first with all the extracurriculars we were juggling and we absolutely couldn't do it without you.  That tiny little doodle bug has no idea just how blessed she already is!

1 comment:

  1. You are absurdly small for as big a baby you are going to produce, so cool your jets. Baby B is getting all her energy out NOW, that's what my interpretation is.
