Tuesday, September 30, 2014

24. Not the One with Jack Bauer. The Sequel.

So, on Monday July 28th, baby girl and I crossed the 24 week finish line.  (Here's my 24 week post from pregnancy with Emery.)  High fives all around!

Goodness gracious - between the old age, the insane amount of posts I'm behind and the pregnancy brain, I am having a somewhat difficult time recalling the important accomplishments and highlights of each of these 4 week chunks of time.  I hope that baby Bucket will forgive me!  I promise I'm doing my best, baby child.

 As you can tell from the pictures below, the main highlight of this period was that I started showing in a serious way.  As anyone who's been pregnant can tell you, this is a very exciting time period because the knowing smiles people shoot you are more of the "ohhhh, you're pregnant," than "ohhhhh, you are having a torrid affair with McDonald's," variety.  This is a major milestone.

Much like I mentioned in the previous post, the most remarkable difference between my pregnancy with Emery and my pregnancy with Bucket continued to be just feeling generally tired all the time.  My UP band continued to applaud my sleep but I somehow never, ever felt well-rested.  I think this is probably just life's way of getting me prepared for having 2 busy little misses to chase after.  Well played.

21 weeks.  Not just rocking the hair bump any more.

22 weeks.  It appears that between weeks 21 & 22 either baby girl doubled in size or I ate very, very poorly.  Smart money is probably on the latter.

23 weeks.  I took this from my hotel room in London.  You can't fully see that spaceship looking shower, but I feel confident that my third trimester self would not have fit in it.  Good thing I'm not European.

24 weeks.  I haven't stated it thus far, but I hope you know to just ignore the constant state of disarray of our bathroom.

I would like to spout off all kinds of exciting things that Ryan and I got accomplished in this span of time, but unfortunately there aren't a TON of things we got accomplished.  This is partially due to the fact that work was still preeeeeetty busy and partially due to the fact that with #2 you have already taken all the classes and you have all of the baby paraphernalia.  So trust me, we weren't completely slacking.  Our biggest mark through the to do list for this time frame was... wait for it... we ordered Bucket's furniture!  I was starting to get irrationally concerned that she was legitimately going to have to share a bucket with Emery's practice baby, so it was quite the relief for all parties.

In order to keep the peace but allow for some individuality, we ordered the same items we ordered for Em from the same manufacturer, but a different line and in white.  I'm sure your next question is... omg, omg, how are you going to do the nursery?  That's a story/picture for another day, sweet reader.  In the mean time- bask in the awesomeness of this furniture, huh?

Oh, I forgot to also mention that Bucket scored her first non-hand-me-down piece of clothing.  That's another big milestone, right?

Also, Ryan and I made a significant amount of progress on names during this time.  At this point we had picked her middle name for sure and were at about 95% sure about her first name.  A place to lay her head AND a name?  How lucky can one little lady be?!  

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