Sunday, November 14, 2010

Melissa + Blake = Melake... ohhh, and a wedding

This past weekend, my dear friend Melissa got engaged to the love of her life, Blake.  I was priviledged enough to get to take part in the festivities.  On July 23rd Blake gchatted me and told me that I shouldn't get excited but that he was going to propose to Melissa.  Why do I remember the exact day that happened?  Because I was sitting under the dryer at the hair salon.  Dear Boys of the World, if you are going to tell a female that one of her closest friends is getting engaged, make sure that she is not in a location where an excited movement in her seat will send her head right into a heating device.  So, obviously -1 for me because I got WAY excited.  We discussed plans, rings, etc and Blake told me he'd keep me updated. 

Over the next few months Blake would periodically check in.  He would give encouraging updates, such as "I picked the ring.  What do you think of this?"
Not that there is anything wrong with the aforementioned gem- I just don't quiiiiiiite think it was what Melissa had in mind.  And after this year's football season, I dont think Mack Brown himself would even be an advocate.  I digress...

In late October Blake told me that the ring was being made as we spoke and that he planned to pop the question when Melissa's family from Pennsylvania was in town for their annual UT game.  This past Sunday, November 14th, Blake made Melissa the happiest girl in the world by proposing in front of the tower.  Blake did such a fantastic job planning the whole thing and pulling it off without a hitch.  Not to mention the ring: GOR.GEOUS.  That always helps to ensure a yes.

Ryan and I drove up to Austin for the day and got to share in the celebration by meeting up with the happy couple, their families and friends at Blake's parents' home.  On the way we stopped at Ryan's new favorite hang out: Hruskas.  Melissa and Blake, I found SEVERAL potential registry items.  Just saying.

All in all, it was an incredible day and my heart is overflowing with excitement for the Future Covingtons.  Thank you both so very much for letting me share in your joy and this moment.  CONGRATULATIONS!

Mr. & Mrs. Covington

Melissa hugging Aunt Sue.  It's difficult to say whether Aunt Sue realized that Melissa was engaged at this point despite my mysteriously arriving with bridal magazines in tow.  Love this lady!

Melissa & her proud Papa

Mr. Poorman giving a heart-wrenching toast.

Melissa, Blake, Mrs. Covington's parents and Mrs. Covington

Blake's Grandparents, Melissa & Blake

Telling the story.

Looking at the pictures.

Flashing the bling.

And who wouldn't be?  So pretty.

The spread.


Mopes & I

Blake, Melissa, Destiny Smiles & Ryan


  1. YYYYAAAAAYYYYY!!!! Like this post... I really just have one question... why did Blake do a outfit change mid-gathering? haha

  2. Yay, Melissa!! :) 2011 is the year of the wedding!
