Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh hey, we got engaged...

As you may recall from an earlier post... Ryan and I got engaged on February 27th.  You're probably wondering WTH inspired me to write a post with 8 month old news.  Recently we had the pleasure of having our dear (and overwhelmingly talented) friend Shawna take our engagement pictures. 

Engagement pictures are a funny concept to me because they come way after begging the girls' parents to let you marry their daughter the ring, the tears and the celebration- a fact that I should be thankful for given the fact that I don't do moviestar crying.  You know how a solitary tear will roll down some gorgeous actress' face miraculously missing her perfectly applied mascara and taking a left to miss her eyeliner and or blush/bronzer?  That's not me.  My tears bring friends.  And they don't take lefts.  They make a beeline for my eyeliner and mascara like kids to a moonwalk.  I suppose that explains why I'm an auditor and not an actress.

I guess the real purpose of engagement pictures is to announce your engagement to the world.  I think Facebook actually did that for us, but let's pretend for a moment that it didn't.  So this is me announcing we're engaged.  Go ahead and act shocked... and laugh at some of the pictures that made me laugh the hardest or smile the biggest.

Thank you from the very bottom of my heart Shawna for making us look presentable and for being one of the greatest friends and photographers a girl could ask for.  :c)  (For those of you not catching on to my subtle hinting via linking her name to her website... If you ever need some pictures taken... Or you need a new photographer website to add to your favs- check out Shawna.  Seriously).

Ryan said the most ridiculous things you've ever heard whenever Shawna told us to look at eachother.  Exhibit A.

I think we were about 1 for 200 with the piggyback photos.

Even from 3 feet behind him I realized that he was doing something inappropriate.

I am apologizing now... For some reason a lot of my favorite pictures are kissing ones.  Gross I know.

Ahhh... true love

I warned you.

Ryan making fun of engagement pictures.  In the middle of taking engagement pictures.

Ryan is good at engagement pictures.


  1. I laughed so hard at the one on the bike with Ryan's feet up. If that's not in a frame on your mantle, it's going in a frame on mine! :)

  2. LOVE them!! So sweet and goofy, and of course gorgeous! Nice work, Shawna!

  3. These turned out awesome!!!! One of my favorites is the one of your AMAZING bling, but you didnt not feature it here LOL.
