Friday, December 10, 2010

Fifty and Fabulous

Recently (on November 28th) my absolutely wonderful future Mother in Law hit the big 5-0. 

(Authors Disclaimer: I know that as of late I've been devoting a lot of blog real estate to gushing, but trust me when I tell you that it is all warranted.  Keep in mind while reading my flowery language that each of these people deals with me on a regular basis.  Need I say more?) 

So, now that you've been warned, I just want to tell you all how fabulous my future Mother in Law is.    For starters, she raised Ryan.  If you've ever been in the vicinity after a Taco Bell visit or if you've ever walked into a kitchen (or closet) that he's set foot in, you understand what a testament to someone's character this is.  (Love you, Ryan!)  Secondly, she has always treated me like I'm a member of the family which means the world to me.  She introduced me to HGTV and laughs at my jokes when no one else will.  I feel very blessed to get to officially be a part of her family in a few months.

That's enough sap... on to the fiesta.  In order to properly ring in her 51st year on the planet, Tiffany set up a surprise party for Mrs. Martin at the Cellar (best bar ever, btw). 

Decor.  Courtesy of Tiffany Productions.  Oh, and Crave.  :c)

A bunch of people near and dear to her made it out to celebrate including work friends, longtime friends and family.  Those in attendance were treated to a variety of things including (but not limited to): a sibling duet of "Baby Got Back", a Herndon/Martin rendition of "I'm on a Boat," and several ladies (who shall remain nameless) more or less yelling "Sweet Caroline."   It was certainly a memorable night for all parties involved- including the poor karaoke man who we may or may not have promised our firstborn to in order to be able to sing "Living on a Prayer."

An obvious choice for any brother/sister combo

Sweet Caroline... or sweet cranberry/vodkas?  I'll let you decide.

Not the first, or last, time we'll see these 2 like this.

Girls just want to have fun.  And to sing badly.

I can't recall what was being sung here but it was probably fantastic.

Happy Birthday to you, my dear Future MIL.  We love you and look forward to many, many more years of jars of endless almonds, crate and barrel discussions and "WHAAAAAAAAAT"s!  You're the best.

Brendan, Jen, Caddy & Jimmy James

Ryan, Tiffany & a photobombing Brendan

Me, Jules & Jen

Tiffy & the Birthday Girl

Jimmer & Austin.  I am thankful that Chris Hanson never saw Austin with his stache.

Matt.  Chilling like a villain.

Denise, Mrs. Martin & Tiffany

Sistaaaaaas.  And David.

David, Ryan, Brendan, Jimmer & Austin

Mrs. Martin, Mr. Martin, Denise & Donnie

Matt, Tiffany, Me, Julie & Jen

Guarding cupcakes is a surprisingly difficult job.

As is beverage taste testing

The Martins

Cupcake toasting


Two thumbs up for the evening.


  1. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA... this night was awesome! However, I'm not sure that Ryan E. will ever let me back in the Cellar or the Martin's near their family but well worth it! Side note... you can delete a few of those pictures of me on here if you'd like. Another side note/question... why does dad look like he's been tanning? lol.

  2. Although I'm extremely dissappointed I missed this event, I am overwhelmed with relief that I avoided being seen in public with Austin's creeper moustache.
