Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jake your Booty

Alright, so... I'm behind in the blogging. I'm also behind in the wedding planning (as you will see in a few days). I would like to say that I have a glamorous excuse like I have been busy hanging out with celebrities and galavanting the globe, but really - I just have been busy internet shopping. (Earmuffs Ryan). Don't buy a house during Christmastime. In a related story, everyone may be getting coupon books for hugs this year. It was a real hit when I was 8. Retro is in, no? Back on track... over the next few days (maybe weeks), I will try to catch up on all the memorable things that have happened as of late.

First up- Baby Jake. On November 17th at 7:40 am Mr. Jake Thomas came into the world. He made quite the splash and I think it's safe to say he's a master of the dramatic entrance. I wouldn't expect anything less from a son of Ms. Melanie's. I am so, so, so very thankful that both he and his mama are okay. Thank heavens for excellent doctors, nurses and hospitals.

On November 18th Ryan and I went to visit the new bundle of joy. He is beyond precious! I already love this little guy oh so much. I can't wait to watch him grow up. And try to convince him that he's a longhorn. Whaaaat? Where did that come from? Annnnnd... cut to the cute baby.

Adorable little glow worm

Look at all that hair.  :c)

Juuuust like Mary Poppins.  If Mary Poppins held children like footballs.

My new favorite date

Melanie sent me this picture of Jake's first week home and I thought it was way too cute not to post.  Looks like Jonathan has already taught him about touchdowns.


  1. Oh my goodness, what a cute cute little nugget! Kylies husband #3?

  2. haha... so... I told you I wanted to play with babies and you shot down having a baby ASAP sooo how about you let me play with your friends babies? NO?! Is that weird? haha.
