Thursday, December 15, 2011

NSFJ: No place like home for the holidays

Today I'm feeling multi-task-erific, so I'm going to kill 2 birds (blog posts) with 1 stone (again: blog post) by sharing photos of our year 1 holiday decor efforts as well as pictures of the rebirth of our living room.  Lets cut to the chase, shall we?

First, we will start with the story you've most undoubtedly been losing the most sleep over.  When I last left off, our living room was in a dire state of affairs.  In case you do not recall, please see below for photographic evidence:

Same state of disarray, same wall-ed couch, different rug.

On December 3rd, not only were East & West Germany Ryan & I reunited by the removal of the wall, but on that very same day Rex came to our rescue and pulled a paint switcheroo.  Miracles do happen afterall!  So within a matter of 24 hours, our living room went from a mixed up little world to an inspiring, harmonized blank canvas.  Please see below:

Ahhhhh.  Can you feel the tan weight lifted?  (Pardon the terrible quality of these iPad photos.)

Once I could breathe a sigh of relief, I decided it was Christmas Decoratin' time (Jendan... that one was for you).  These photos are really being documented in order for me to some day (I hope) recognize that some progress has been made.  Heaven knows they're nowhere near Pintrest-worthy.

Coincidentally, this year's Christmas decor resulted in yet another tale of eventual triumph for the Martins, similar to the couch/living room story above.  You may recall the leaning tower of Martin fiasco from 2010.  Thanks to the magic of leftover wedding gift cards to Lowes and telling the husband how much it costs to buy a real tree each year, we are now the owners of a beautiful artificial tree that is as straight as Tiger Woods.  Photographic evidence:

Me & the Monster singing O' Christmas Tree.

She needs a little garland or pizazz, but that sounds like a project for post-holiday sales, doesn't it? 

In the couch portion above did I leave out the fact that I was left to supervise the arrival of the new furniture as well as the painting endeavour by myself?  While Ryan was at the U of H play conference championship?  WITHOUT TV and internet?  I am definitely expecting a Wife of the Year plaque for Christmas.  I can't say that I was a flawless project manager as Lola ended the day with Cottage Cream on both her tail and her ears, but what are you going to do? 

So, I used my temporary pioneer time (that's about when the internet and TV came to be, right? ;c) ) to attempt a project that I saw on Pintrest.  I saw the picture and I thought, how hard can it be?  Hot glue, wreath ring, and some ornaments... let's do this.  Approximately 6 hours, 15 glue sticks and 3 separate runs to retrieve more ornaments later I was the proud creator of the wreath below:

Ryan trying to steal my wreath's thunder.

If ever I get rich and famous for something, it will not be ornament wreaths, but I am very proud of this bad boy. 

This year we also decided that we should put up some lights so as to appear less anti-Christmas.  Of course, we do not own a ladder so my original plan was immediately shot.  We settled on a simple, easy plan and decided we'll add a little bit more each year.  Much like everything else in our plan, our targeted completion date is somewhere in the 2015-2020 range.  What?  You don't think it should take as long to put together a home as to build a highway?  I don't know what you're talking about. 

If C-9 lights were easier to come by, there'd be a lot more going on in this photo.

Which one of these is not like the others?

So, there you have it.  An update on the casa.  I hope that this holiday season finds your house happy, full of love and if you're lucky, a couch that is operational.

The mantle.  Via bad iPad photo.  This is like the outtakes that roll during the credits, right?

Garland haphazardly fixed to the bannister.  Aren't you glad you stuck around for this?

The very first Christmas decoration I bought for myself.  Annnnnd... scene.

1 comment:

  1. Looking festive... I now have 2 ornaments thanks to an ornament change party sat night. It must be a Boarman thing to sloowwwwlllyyy accumulate decorations/house essentials (ie. a couch)
