Monday, December 19, 2011


Okay, so I'm a terrible mother!  I hope that when I have a child (a "human puppy" to quote Ryan) that I do a far superior job documenting their young life than I have with my precious whiskered one. 

Let me think- what's been going on in the little one's life?  Subsequent to a failed attempt on my part at walking Lola a short distance in heels after work (perhaps I'm too much of an optimist sometimes), we enrolled her in training.  While at PetsMart to select a training class, there were 3 available times.  A Monday evening, Tuesday evening and Sunday afternoon.  Without missing a beat, Ryan selected Sunday afternoon which I found suspect considering it would really hamper his NFL-watching plans.  I pointed out this fact and my charming husband said, "Wait, we have to be there?!"  Hopefully he has a more hands-on philosophy with child-rearing.

We are currently 4 classes into our 6 class course.  Lola has now learned to sit, to (kind of) walk on a leash, to look you in the face (watch), to come when called and to leave something on the ground alone until you tell her she can go get it.  The other dogs in the class have also learned to lay down.  Lola is not taking well to this.  I hope I can successfully document how she "lays" in a video.  It is more like a lion-esque pounce than a graceful lay.  Five out of six isn't bad, right?

Other than that- not a lot new in her little world.  She's still the biggest sweetheart on the planet.  I know I am a biased mother, but I don't think you will find many more affectionate, cuddly creatures than this one.  She's just a big, live teddy bear.  She continues to crack Ryan & I up on a daily basis.  Lately when she grows impatient with Ryan and I being tired after work and not wanting to play as long as she does, she will fling whatever toy she has for herself.  Probably the Diva in her- if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. 

Stats - as of the 16th, she's 7 months old.  At the last weigh-in, little bean was roughly 70 pounds and that was about 2 weeks ago.  So I'd guess she's creeping up on 75 at the moment.  Her tail strength can only be measured on the same scale as hurricanes.  I would put it somewhere between a category 4 and 4.5, dependent upon how many new people are around.

Now for the visual update.  You'll have to forgive me as I know this is going to wind up being an assortment of pictures from the last 3 months.  I'll try to put them in some kind of sequential order, but I can't make any promises.  We'll call this montage "Time Lapse Lola"- it will be just like National Geographic only with a dog rather than a venus fly trap or something.  Enjoy.

My blackberry clearly takes high quality photos.  This is Lola's usual stance while I get ready in the morning.  Goodness, she's so much tinier here. (sometime in September)

She fell asleep like this, with her nyla-bone still in her mouth.  Obviously she was concerned that if she were to leave it unattended, the temptation for Ryan & I to steal it would be far too great. (sometime in September)

After a swim, letting her ears flap in the breeze. (sometime in September)

Sweet new bed. (Early October)

I could not begin to understand why or how she finds this sitting position comfortable- but she must because she does it frequently.  (Early October)

Halloween.  Chewing off her own cuffs- so hardcore.  (Late October).

More Halloween. Also more proof my husband is a weirdo. (Late October)

Little bean looking as forlorn as I did in our living room before a couple of weeks ago.  (Sometime in November).

Definitely a Daddy's girl.  (Sometime in November)

Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum waiting for Turkey on Thanksgiving.  (Late November)

Turkey coma.  (Late November)

"No, no, my left side is my good side.  Get that one."  (Early December)

That nose is getting dangerously close to counter height. (Early December).

Playing with David's new puppy, Dallas.  (Mid December)

Giving Aunt Julie the eye. (Mid December)

This is no where near as emphatic as it usually is, but it's the best we could capture on film.  So just imagine this maneveur with more dramatic flair.


  1. Lolllllaaaa is so cute! I love puppy children. I think Jayda and Lols need a play date soon.

  2. Haha... love the photo album. I'm a little bit bummed that the picture of her waiting for the elevator didn't make it b/c that's my favorite! :)
