Sunday, December 30, 2012

NSFJ: Decking the walls (and maybe a table or two)

So, believe it or not, I have not COMPLETELY neglected our house the past 6 months.  Only about 85% neglected.  What can I say - sitting on the couch growing a child > manual labor.  With the other 15% of the time though, we shockingly have managed to knock out a few things.  Due to the fact that I'm so grossly behind in my documentation, I'm going to break what we've accomplished into a couple of different posts.  I haven't decided how many yet.  Hopefully you'll still be able to sleep despite that level of suspense.

Today's topic, which is very seasonally appropriate, is things that have eventually found their way onto our walls and/or other assorted items that I'm not sure how to classify.  In the latter half of the year Ryan and I decided that since it's been 2 years (whoa), we may as well start hanging things on the wall like we plan to stay for a while. 

Ryan & I hanging things on the wall somehow always winds up being a perfect storm of flying levels, pencils, 4 letter words and most of the time laughter.  We never, ever, ever get it right the first time.  I hole-heartedly (I'm so punny) apologize to anyone who might live in this house after us.  We're young and dumb.

Project 1:  Tweet Nothings
Pseudo-inspired by a painting I saw at Star Furniture that I did not want to pay for, I decided to try to make one myself.  If you've been following bump watch posts, you've likely seen these tweeters in the background.  Painters tape = a girl's next best friend.

Ingredients:  Painters tape, acryllic paint, acryllic paint sealer and 3 canvases

 Canvas empty nests.

Tweedley deedley deet...

Oh, hello there!  These inviting birds totally make me more comfortable trying to use the commode in the world's smallest half bath.

Note that in order to capture all 3 of them in one shot, I had to stand outside the door and take a picture into the mirror.  Please extrapolate this fact to 2 large humans squeezing in to try to level and hang these guys.

Project 2:  Mirror, mirror on the wall, how many times can I repaint you before my husband starts to bawl
I originally bought these sconces for the entry way to our house on sale from Crate & Barrel many, many moons ago.  I convinced Ryan they were perfect**, particularly with leftover wedding gift cards, and to casa Martin they went. 

So you can imagine his surprise when he found me spray painting them cream one day.  He hung them on the wall and as I stood back to admire his handiwork, I had that familiar pit in my stomach which alerts me to the fact that I've made a terrible decorating decision.  That pit is immediately followed by me doing mental math to determine when the next time Ryan works a weekend is so that I can fix said issue without him knowing.

I spent a couple of weeks mulling over how I wanted to re-transform my sconces.  After much googling, I decided that a solid coat of chocolate brown paint and some antiquing of the actual mirrors themselves were just what the doctor ordered.  During a weekend when Ryan was hard at work keeping southern California adequately powered, I was hard at work muriatic acid-ing and spray painting these bad boys.  I was basically Xena, Home Decorating Princess.

I could have totally gotten away with all my HGTV ninja-ing except that I could not figure out how to re-hang my little masterpieces.  Thankfully Ryan is a patient man.  Who loves to use his power tools.

Ingredients: Sconces, patient husband, spray paint, muriatic acid, gloves, paint scraper

The before.  Well, more like the middle because they were originally black.  :c)

Action shot of the sconces and mirrors sunbathing post transformation.

Tad-da!  Don't mind the couches we no longer own, the West Elm wildebeest head that hasn't found a home yet or that blanket.  Let's focus on the brown mirrors, hmm?

It's very hard to capture the antiquing effect in photos.  This is about as close as I could get.  The gold flecks you see are where the antiquing came through.

In its final hanging position.

** I negelcted to finish my thought entirely... "they were perfect, provided that they were no longer black."  I'm getting old and can't be blamed for my lack of complete thoughts, can I?  That's agism, isn't it?

Project 3:  Cat in the Hat - so hot this season. 
After much persuing of the finest that my local home furnishing stores had to offer to no avail, inspiration struck in terms of what needed to grace the little side tables in our entry way.  I really couldn't tell you where or how I came up with this idea.  I purchased 2 clear glass trifle bowls from Target and rekindled my torrid love affair with spray paint and painters tape.  Although I beg you not to closely audit the straightness of the lines, I'm still happy with the result.

Ingredients: Trifle bowls, spray paint, glass paint and painters tape

Humble beginnings.  Why did I put this in this chair for its close up?  Your guess is as good as mine.  I did one (okay maybe five) full coats of white spray paint between this picture and the next.

Tape 'er up, Scotty.

Donning a little green number.

Voila - cat in the hat vase.

Project 4: Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady Mirror.
The day before Ryan hosted his Heismanziel party, he sent yours truly out to get some beer and return an item at Target.  He will probably never do that again because I returned with a mirror and pillows.  I think I also got beer, but it's very hard to say as I was prettttty excited about my mirror.  I've been looking for a mirror for above our console table for a while but can never find one that quite strikes my fancy.  As Ryan sweetly held it up over the console table, I realized that I loved the mirror so much that I thought it should go above our couch instead.  And bring friends. 

A couple of Targets, one trip to Lowes and a wrapping paper fiasco later (don't use wrapping paper as a medium to test the position of mirrors on your wall unless you enjoy it continuously rolling back up and falling on the floor), our wall was adorned with these beauts. 

Ingredients:  3 mirrors, a solid amount of time lapsed since the last hanging project & a beer to reward patient husband

From the right, from the right. 

From the left, from the left. 

From my standard position - laid out on the couch.  Please note football on TV in the background.  Realism is my specialty.

As I've put this post together I've realized a few things.  First, I should have bought Ryan a way cooler Christmas gift for the heartache my quest to decorate our house must be causing him.  Second, I have a love affair with stripes.  Third, I may very well never ever finish this house at this rate!  Le sigh - stay tuned for the next installment.  I think it will be about what furniture elements we've added.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Half Off?

I hope that everyone had a very, very merry holiday.  I'll be back soon to give you in-depth updates on how the family Martin spent their time off.  In the meantime, please enjoy the following insight into husband dearest's idea of a good deal opportunity.  If you're back at work today like I am- perhaps it will give you a much needed laugh.  If you're out taking advantage of the sales- hey, here's one more you might want to check out. 

I nabbed myself a keeper, fo shizzle.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Pleut des Bebes

(Editors Note:  I recognize that the title of this post does not directly translate, BUT I only have one year of French, people.  I'm relegated to what I know.  I know raining and I know babies.  So that is what you get.)

On December 17th, my co-workers proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're the greatest group of people to work with in the entire state of Texas.  If we're being honest- probably the planet.  They threw me and the little tike a baby shower!  Given how busy we all are with the implementation of a new GL system and the holidays, I was quadruply flattered that they put forth the time, energy and effort to do so.

Sweet Becca did the lion's share of the organization and decor (and took the ah-mazing pics below).  Knowing me as well as she does, she knew that if it was too over the top and too many people were invited I would freak out, turn all red and start stammering awkward things about babies and puppies.  Perhaps sharing with her that I took a jager shot before my own bridal shower tipped her off to the fact that I'm petrified of being the center of attention.  Whatever it was, she created the perfect amount of celebratory atmosphere without me feeling too overwhelmed. 

My boss made some killer muffins and fruit salad, Becca provided deliciously homemade cupcakes, Leslie made the cutest diaper cake and another co-worker made the best sherbet punch I've ever had.  Baby Girl got spoiled with our pack & play, the car seat base, a gift card and lots of other adorable assorted clothes, blankets and what not.  I seriously am way more lucky than I deserve to be.  Thank you so, so very much to everyone who participated and for your time and kindness.  It really means the world to us!  P.S.  Was the pack & play an open invitation to bring my child to work daily?  I will assume so.

The cute little cupcake decorations & muffin paper are pink and French themed.  C'est parfait, non?

Precious little favor bags.  And our not as precious conference phone.  (That thing and I do not get along very well).

Presents and Leslie's masterpiece.

Christi, Marina, Brad, Jani, Me with a mouthful of heavenly icing, Jacqui, Katherine & Leslie.  Mike, Lalli, Tracy D, Laura, Tracy N & Becca were also here but managed to escape Becca's paparazzi lens.

This is the beginning of about 5 million pictures of me in different states of opening things.  We'll call this next sequence "how to open a present."  First, you should have a goofy smile on your face and position your hand like a claw above the bag.

Then you should read the card so you know who you're supposed to be thanking.

Sometimes you've got to reaaaaaally get in there.

Last, hold it up for mandatory ohhhhing and ahhhhing.  Ta-da!

Poorly lit picture of Leslie's diaper cake in our kitchen.  In the future I will try to keep diapers out of my kitchen, but obviously Ryan needed to see this right away.

Super cute unicorn hooded towel & zebra hooded blanket.  Does anyone know what sound these animals make?  I see that question in my future.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

28. That was my volleyball number one year.

It also happens to be the number of weeks into this pregnancy I am.  Do you know what that means?!  (insert Jeopardy song here)  It means that the third trimester is upon us.  To be honest, I'm really not sure how that happened.  The first trimester felt like a NEVER-ending barrage of gatorade, wheat thins and trying to keep the world's biggest secret.  In sharp contrast, the second just flew by.  Based on this fact I suspect I'm going to blink and all of a sudden be at home holding a child, staring at Ryan and wondering what the heck to do with her.  Or how she got here.  Maybe the warp whistles in Super Mario Bros 3 were inspired by pregnancy? 

I'm trying to think what Ryan and I have accomplished in the last few weeks.  We ordered little bug's bedroom furniture.  One evening when I got home from work Ryan surprised me by not only picking up the furniture that was in stock by himself, but also assembling it.  Plus 20 for him.  I cleaned all of the clothes I was housing in little miss' closet out to make room for hers.  Don't say I never did anything for you, little one!

Pictures of the goods we bought in the store.  To clarify, we only bought the dresser and the crib.  I think Ryan would have had a heart attack if I insisted on buying everything you see in this shot.  I'm including this because as you'll see in the picture below, I haven't been around to get any shots with good lighting.

This is the picture I took of the assembled crib when Ryan first showed me it.  Since it was after work, the lighting is terrible.  Since I was way too excited to move anything, you can also see fabric samples and part of a swing.  I promise this will look more pulled together the next time you see it.  :c)

All of this (and then some) came out of baby girl's closet.  Coming soon to a salvation army near you.

We also took a newborn care class.  Ryan took away some new vocabulary terms, and he got to use his favorite line from a movie ever ("I will swaddle this child!") multiple times.  I learned that the whole "you won't sleep" thing is not a myth AND I got Chick-fil-a out of the evening.  So all parental parties were pleased.

I have no photos of Ryan & I's newborn class, but in my cousin's childbirth class she made her hubby wear the pregnancy belly.  How could I not share this photo?  Little Lucy is going to need this for blackmail in the future.  Love you cousin Kyle!

I also checked off some very vital baby girl wardrobe to do's by ordering and receiving items for newborn pictures AND a going home outfit.  I must be ordering more than that because I think if one more Zulily package shows up at our doorstep Ryan may reconsider this whole marriage thing. 

Did you think I was going to early reveal the newborn and going home stuff?  No way Jose.  How cute are these shoes though?!

Other notables - I'm still feeling pretty good.  I get worn out much more easily than usual.  I typically love walking and/or taking the stairs.  However, unfortunately the wheezing this has been producing as of late has led to a level of embarrassment that lands me in a seated position much more often than not.  I think last weekend I officially earned my "I can no longer bend over to pick anything up" badge.  I have cultivated quite the array of grunting noises to accompany any attempt to get up from a seated position.  Monica Seles has got nothing on me.

At my last doctor's appointment I passed my glucose test.  Little boo's heart rate was 137, which according to old wives' tales means she's a boy.  I prefer to consider it a sign that she inherited her Papa's temperament as opposed to sprouting a limb.  I am much more aware of her movements now than I was in my last post.  Sometimes after a good meal she moves my entire belly.  If a dance party isn't the way to cap off a good dinner, then I really don't know what is.  Here are some recent pics of my expanding waistline.

26 Weeks before Katie & Madison's wedding.

27 weeks before my work Christmas party.

28 weeks before work.  Is it just me or is my belly starting to resemble a unicorn horn or a hood ornament?

I think that just about sums it up for now.  As always, I'm mainly feeling incredibly blessed to have this little booger growing according to schedule.  We feel so, so very lucky to be where we are.  Thank you all for your love, support and help!

Monday, December 17, 2012

And a Very Heismanziel Christmas to you, too!

The weekend before last was full of seasonal festivities - both of the Christmas AND football varieties.  Because I did a terrible job of taking pictures at both events, we're going to cram them into one.  :c)  Which really doesn't do much to address Jen's comment on my last blog that I've been slacking.  Do I sense a New Years Resolution?

On Friday December 7th, Ryan, the big ol' belly & I attended my work Christmas party.  Just like last year, it was quite the affair.  With all the budget cutting and the state of the economy, I feel very lucky to work for a company that goes above and beyond to give us the soiree to end all soirees at holiday time.  This year Ryan got double the drink tickets, a built in designated driver AND a map that showed what foods were in what rooms- so he made for a very happy date.  I, of course, did not take any pictures.  We did get an official holiday picture from the photo booth which I'll post below.  If that doesn't quite give you the full mental image, just imagine me and the bump partying amongst kilts and some UK-style double cheek kissing whilst my beloved worked on playing food BINGO. 

If you are wondering to yourself if I just uploaded a picture of a picture... you bet your tush I did.  Scanning the picture in sounded very taxing.

On Saturday December 8th, Ryan decided to throw his own version of a fiesta.  What might inspire him to clean the house and do some cooking?  Why, of course, the Heisman ceremony.  For those of you who have either been living under a rock, or just not in my household, the TAMU quarterback, Johnny Manziel, was up for the Heisman this year. 

Clearly in a man's eyes this represents an opportunity to drink beer, grunt and scratch things with those nearest and dearest to you.  As a woman I recognized it as an opportunity to buy home-related decor and force have Ryan to help hang it.  I'll post pictures of my home detail related adventures when I finally get around to writing a post about what all I have accomplished since June in the way of our abode.  Just suffice it to say Ryan earned his beer for the evening.

In the mean time, enjoy the very few pictures I took (and some I've borrowed from Jen) of this testosterone- and taco soup-fueled event.  P.S. Johnny Foosball won.  Did I forget to say that?  Thankfully this little bean in my belly is a girl.  Otherwise a serious argument about naming our first-born Johnny Football Martin could have ensued.

Cheers to Scooby Manziel.

More photographic evidence that our dog is spoiled.  Clearly she also wanted to share in the excitement.

The happiest Aggies you'll ever see.  Plus Austin.

I hope that everyone else's December has been equally filled with friends/family, food and festivities!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

24. Not the one with Jack Bauer.

I believe as I sit and type my 24 week post at nearly 26 weeks, it is safe to say that I am not being very timely with the updating.  :c)  Hopefully baby girl will not inherit her mother's love of procrastination.

First and foremost, baby girl's wardrobe continues to expand.  She is so lucky to have so many people who love her and value her need to look stylish at every moment.  She has racked up a multitude of cute ensembles from so many people.  It takes a lot of self restraint for me to not post a picture of literally every single one in this post.  However, she probably wouldn't appreciate me showing off her duds before she gets to make her debut in them.  Melissa and Blake were in town a couple of weeks ago and gifted us with the fabulous onesie below that I can't help but share.  Bring on football season 2013! 

It should be noted this brings Lovebug's UT apparel count to 2 items and A&M apparel count to 1.  I believe these statistics speak for themselves.  Hook 'em.

Ryan and I have been busy parental bees since my last post.  We have managed to make some real strides in terms of the nursery.  By we, I really mean Ryan.  My participation in the effort thus far has been sheerly managerial.  (Pointing and grunting commands counts as managerial, right?)  Hubby dearest spent almost his entire 2 weeks off last time devoted to baby girl's room.  He had new carpet installed upstairs, hung a chair rail, and painted.  He also balanced the ceiling fan in there.  (Editors note: I continue to have no idea what that means but I acted very amazed when he showed me to avoid divorce.)  Little Miss sure scored herself a good papa.  (Just try to keep this in mind when he starts trying to do that awful French accent, little one.)

I'll do a full-blown nursery post when it's all done.  Here's a sneak peak though.

In addition to getting the nursery rolling, we also went and toured both hospitals our Dr delivers at.  We picked one and pre-registered there.  We also toured schools (daycares) and got baby girl set up with one we think will be excellent for when I go back to work.  We got our registries set up although there's definitely still some final tweaking (read: removing the ridiculous things Ryan scanned when I wasn't looking) to be done.  We started researching pediatricians.  I have almost finished The Happiest Baby on the Block.  Lastly, we registered for some classes.  Just reading all this makes me kind of exhausted.  It also kind of makes me want a Kit Kat, but I'm not sure that's related.

This last doctor's appointment we didn't get an ultrasound, so I have no pictures to share with you.  We just got to hear our little Ladybug's heartbeat - 145.  I'm not sure I've done a very good job documenting her heartbeat thus far... it started at 156 at 8 weeks and has bounced around between 145 & 153 since.  This last appointment I found out that I'm already at the stage where I start going every 2 weeks.  How did that happen?!

I continue to feel really good and am taking full advantage of the energy I have while it sticks around. I can feel baby girl move around regularly now.  She seems to get really jazzed up about meal time - particularly Mexican food and orange juice.  The other day I craved BBQ, which made Ryan think that she has inherited his manipulation skills because that is not typically an Amy-esque request.

Here's yours truly at about 24 weeks.

Me & Baby Girl at about 25 weeks

I think that's about all I have to report.  Ryan and I are beyond excited to meet this little wiggle worm.  In the meantime, we pray for her continued growth and health.  I'll see you guys in the third trimester.  :c)  I'll leave you with this video Tiffany sent me today which evidences that Ryan & I aren't the only ones excited for March!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Giving of the Thanks

Well, my second favorite holiday of the year has come and gone.  I really can't believe that this year is almost over.  Are we sure that's right?!  I remember when I was young and my parents used to say that I kiiiiind of thought it was just something adults said to create conversation.  I certainly never felt like my semesters were going very quickly.  Of course, when you have to learn about space every single semester, it's easy to see how one might feel that way.  (Yeah, yeah- North Star and Orions Belt.  Got it.)  Turns out my parents really did know what they were talking about though because time as an adult is flying.   Who'd have thought?  ;c)

Back on track... this year Thanksgiving rudely placed itself in the middle of Ryan's bad week at work.  Bad week = working days Monday through Wednesday and nights Friday through Sunday.  Thankfully, he at least had Thanksgiving and most of the day Friday off.  We made the most of it by hitting up both the Martin and Boarman family abodes in that short span of time.

We started out on Thursday morning at Ryan's parents' house in the dirty branch.  The morning and afternoon were filled with delicious scents, lounging around and watching football.  Kylie kept us all entertained with some newly acquired colorful vocabulary (thanks Texans), shoe sharing and making sure that we were all appropriately covered in the way of band aids.  A delicious meal of turkey, sausage balls, pink stuff, green bean casserole and stuffing capped off what I would definitely call a perfect holiday. 

Who needs the green beans when you can just eat the fried onions by themselves?  Why has no one else thought of this?!

Lola & Harley are excellent turkey carving supervisors.

Kylie pie showing off the newest addition to her line of seasonal animal noises.

Turkey coma or lack of turkey pouting?  It's very hard to say.

Kylie making my shoes look goooooood.

The absolute best part of family meals- lounging around on the sofa together afterwards.

Uncle Ryan looked like he needed to accessorize that stinky foot with a Disney Princess band aid.

After Thanksgiving feast #1, Ryan, Lolers and I hit the road to head to Conroe for the evening.  Upon arrival we were immediately greeted with wine (or in baby & I's case- blueberry grape sparkling juice) and even MORE delicious smells.  While most people choose to follow a meal with dessert, Ryan and I opted to follow it with another equally large meal because that is how we roll.  After round #2 of turkey, homemade stuffing, fruit salad, corn casserole, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie we finally tapped out of the eating game for the day.  I may have spoke somewhat questionably of the lack of zipper/button on maternity pants in my last post, but after experiencing that wonder during the biggest eating day of the year... I'm beginning to think they may make an appearance annually.  We went to bed that evening full of both amazing food and gratitude for the wonderful families and friends we've been so blessed with.  

The next day we spent most of the morning and afternoon car shopping with Jules and just lounging around the house.  After Ryan left for work in the late afternoon, my parents set up the fire pit we'd given them last Christmas for it's maiden voyage.  After all, any opportunity to bust out the awesome denim Gallery Furniture jackets we have is one that the Boarman's choose to seize.  It was so relaxing to sit around and gab with the family.  It's so rare that the 5 of us all get to be in the same place at the same time.

The reason Caddy & JJ probably look so in awe here is that it's the smallest fire they've seen in probably 2 years.

No fire trucks involved in the making of this photo.

The remainder of the weekend was filled with more talking, laughing, football and general family bonding.  Oh, and we bought a Christmas tree.  :c)  The Boarmans are not typically known for their amazing tree-picking skills.  Over the years we've been known to think we've found "the one" only to arrive home and realize one side of branches appears to have been attacked by a wild pack of squirrels, a completely crooked trunk and/or a Dolly Parton-esque shape which makes you terrified to add any ornaments to the upper half.  While I don't have any pictures of the final product this year yet, I truly believe this year we may have bucked that tradition.  

Caddy doing some very precise measuring.  Thankfully she was in charge of the mental math portion of this excursion, not me.

Matt looking very enthused about the prospects of this ol' fir.

All in all, it was an absolutely perfect Thanksgiving.  I know that I say this often, but I truly mean it- Ryan and I are so much more blessed than we deserve to be.  Thank you to all of you in our lives who make it that way.  Special thanks to our families for sharing their homes, their food, their hearts and their graciousness with us.  We love you all!

I think this picture perfect encapsulates the weekend.