Friday, January 25, 2013

2013: 3..2.. Wait, how did we miss the 1?!

This year, like all the others I can recall in recent history (and even some I probably don't recall), Ryan and I rung in the New Year in Conroe with a few of our favorite people.  This year we switched locales and took our beer pong-ing and light up champagne-fluting ways to Brendan's parent's lake home.  Despite the fact that their house is on the market (anyone interested in buying a lake house?!), they allowed us to use it.  Perhaps they figured since I was pregnant that I would serve as a voice of reason or perhaps they're just overwhelmingly generous?  Either way- color us appreciative!

Shaustin, Jendan, Ryan & I spent the evening in the same way we spend the bulk of our gatherings- playing such mind-expanding games as "would you rather," making ridiculous predictions for the coming year, holding deep discussions about the merits of various celebrities and playing beer pong.  I'm sure everyone will be proud to know that I was the beer pong MVP.  Some naysayers might attribute this to the fact that I had to select a different pinch drinker each game, thereby increasing every one else's beverage intake 10-fold... however, yours truly prefers to think that I'm just a stud.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Just before midnight we filed into the house, lit up the finest champagne flutes that Shawna's local CVS has to offer and waited excitedly for the clock to strike midnight on the New Years Eve celebration in downtown Houston that was being televised.  Thanks to some shoddy camera cut aways, we completely missed the actual stroke of midnight.  For anyone keeping track, that does indeed mean 2 years in a row that I have missed the turnover from year to year.  I guess I should get used to that, huh? We tried to redeem ourselves by catching a version of the ball drop on the Spanish station (don't ask why this made so much sense to us) and failed yet again.  Obviously I'll just have to trust you all that it did actually happen.

They say that the way you ring in the New Year is a preview of how you'll spend the remainder of it.  If that's the case, I'll be surrounded by people I love, fielding awkwardly worded compliments from Austin and laughing at everyone around me.  I'll take it.  :c)  Whether this is true or not, I have a feeling (read: active kicking in my belly) that 2013 is going to be a preettttttty good year for the Martins.  I hope you all are looking forward to this year as much as I am!

Shawna's second best purchase of the year.   Behind the rambo beer belt, of course. 

Maybe her third best purchase?  It sure seemed that way at 1 am.
 If a knife and Ryan's facial expression don't signify serious queso-making then clearly I've never witnessed it.

The responsible parties.

Inevitably if their boy band ever makes it, this will be their first cover.

Ace & Gary live to see another year.  And another beer pong match.

This is either Ryan recounting a shark attack or some type of defensive maneuver.  I'll let you decide. 

Austin was definitely the defensive MVP of the game.  Please note how much distance he required his partner to keep.

Cheers to 2013.

Cover for their second album?

Can you believe we put up with them?

GUYS!  Your glasses are not lit.

Austin's 2013 aspirations include either officially obtaining his AARP membership or becoming a pimp.

Luckily Shawna is handling it well.

I think this is directly after we realized we missed midnight.  So probably like 12:02.

Does this mean we have to keep them another year?

Haaaaaappy New Year from Coolio & the gang.

Photographic evidence that the pregnant lady made it later than this guy.

Last but certainly not least, this precious little doll made her grand debut on December 31, 2012.  Welcome to my sweet new cousin, Miss Lucy Taylor.  Congrats to Ashleigh & Kyle!  Love you all.  (Author's Note: Any resemblance between this sleeping child & Austin are sheerly coincidental.)


  1. I can't stop LOLing. He has that high kick DOWN! Or is it a pimp kick?

    Also, you are more than stuck with Ryan for another year, you are multiplying him. Baby girl is half him and this could prove extremely awesome. And veeeery bloggertaining.

  2. Ps. That new baby is really cute.

  3. What a fun night. I can't believe you (amy) stayed up so late. You forgot to post about me falling down the stairs and not dying..

    ps. why do I look manlier than my Husband in 99% of pics?

    pss, why did all my pics come out blurry when I specifically brought my "expensive" rented lens? Good thing I was giving yall photography advice all night. ha.

  4. I'm loving Austin's "popped leg" pose! So manly!
