Friday, June 21, 2013

The FIRST First Day

On June 4th, I started back to work, which meant it was the very FIRST of many first days of school for Miss Emery.  I can't even lie - it wasn't easy and it did break my heart.  However, 3 important things helped me get through the day.

1)  We took her for about 4 hours as a trial run the Wednesday before and she did fabulously... or so they tell us.  :c)

2)  I know she's in GREAT hands.  I really like the school she goes to and her teachers are wonderful.

3)  Luckily, Mama didn't have to drop her off.  Ryan had the week off so Daddy had drop off duty.  I know the waterworks would have really been out of hand if I had done it myself because Ryan said he had a tough time with it.  Ain't nobody got time for that much mascara re-application.

How did I survive the first day?  Fortunately, I genuinely enjoy my job and I enjoy my co-workers even more.  This combined with returning during quarter, and after a little reorganization, kept yours truly pretty distracted from the fact that I was missing half of my heart.

Heaven knows circumstances and situations change constantly, but I know that this is the right decision for our family right now.  As heart-wrenching as it is to be away from our sweet angel, I know it's a necessary evil to be able to provide her the things I want her to have.  I genuinely hope that one day when she is a mother herself, if not sooner, she understands and appreciates what Mama did for her.

Thankfully our sweet ladybug seemed to do just fine on her first day!  I am willing to bet she handled it far better than I did.  She didn't (and still doesn't) nap very well there, but we expected that.  She will get there some day.  :c)  I look forward to seeing how much our little boogie grows, changes and flourishes over the next year. We're so proud of you, sweet pea!

Happy little school-goer!

1 comment:

  1. Hardest thing I've ever done, but you've got a great outlook on it!! There are so many benefits and Emery will do great! It's the mama that suffers, knownig that is what kept me going. S has always and still LOVES her school.
