Tuesday, October 7, 2014

28. That was my volleyball number one year. The sequel.

On Monday August 25th my not-so-little bean and I toasted to achieving 28 weeks of togetherness.  (See here for my 28 week post with Em-ykins.)  In terms of how I was feeling- it was basically status quo.  As I've mentioned previously, I was already feeling pretty exhausted most days so sliding into the third trimester didn't change much for me.

I started my bi-weekly appointments at 25 weeks.  Somehow that seemed to come waaaaaay faster than it did with pregnancy #1.  The biggest story in terms of my and baby's health in this time frame was that at 28 weeks I failed my glucose screening.  My blood sugar level was a whopping 193 when the goal was 130.  WHOOPS.  It wasn't really until 29 weeks that I went back for the longer version of the test to confirm whether or not I have gestational diabetes, but spoiler alert- I failed that one.  Grand prize: an appointment with a dietician and pricking myself 4 times daily to check my blood sugar.  More on all of these shenanigans in the 32 week post though.

26 Weeks.  I believe my 25 week photo was lost in the great iPhone 5 meets pool debacle of 2014.  Don't mention it to Ryan.  He still has flashbacks.

27 Weeks.  Mama is looking large and in charge.

28 Weeks.  This shirt is now bordering on too short.  Sad, sad.

This period of time was a bit more productive in the arena of Getting-Ready-For-Bucket than the previous ones had been.  So what all did I get knocked out?  Let's see - I ordered Christmas outfits for the little misses.  I ordered a going-home outfit for sweet Bucket.  I ordered a few newborn shoot items.  I pre-registered at the hospital.

Big sister was a lamb and little sister is a mouse.

Part of a Christmas ensemble.  Apparently I was feeling hats between 25 & 28 weeks.

Oh, and the biggest to do was that I finally decided on my plan for the girls' rooms.  This may sound small, but I was really struggling with the decision of what to do about getting their accommodations sorted out. Why?  Well, as you may have noticed- there was never a blog post about Emery's nursery.  That, friends, is because this naive first-time Mom didn't finish it before her arrival and thought I'd have plenty of time during maternity leave to knock it out.  Ha.  Hahahaha.  Ha. Silly lady.  Clearly that was false.  It works out well though because Emery moved to the room down the hall to make room for sister.  So I went back and forth in my head about whether I should just finish the nursery the way I intended to for Emery or to try to make some tweaks.  I knew that re-painting was out of the question because Ryan's detest for paint is well-documented here on the blog.  

Ultimately I decided in the name of individuality that I would make some tweaks so that the nursery was clearly defined as Bucket's room rather than Emery's old room finally finished.  My Mom was kind enough to indulge me and agree to make more fabulous bedding for our newest angel baby.  I picked some fabric and ordered samples.  That's as far as I believe mission: room make over got in this time frame.  Baby steps, right?  (See what I did there?)  When will Emery finally get a room of her own worthy of a blogpost?  When Mama decides to switch her to a toddler bed, which is not on the horizon because her highness has recently cultivated a hatred for falling asleep.  More on that in her 18 month post.

My "inspiration" fabric.  Queue 80's music.

The goods.

Overall I would say this was the beginning of productivity in the Martin household.  Three cheers for Ryan and I getting our butts in gear!  See ya at 32 weeks when life is a whole lot more protein-laden (see: gestational diabetes).


  1. What! I am so shocked that you have GD, just goes to show you can never tell by looking. You look fabulous!!

  2. I loooooove the fabric! Cannot wait to see it all together!
