Tuesday, October 28, 2014

8 x 4 = 32. The Sequel.

On September 22nd I hit the 32 week mark.  (Here's the same post for Emery).  I have heard so many stories recently of babies being born incredibly early and/or their Mamas being holed up in the hospital for such long stretches of time.  I feel very grateful that I am not in their shoes.  I feel confident that my whole family and the general population of maternity ward nurses do as well because I would drive them nuts.

So, let's see.  As far as how I was feeling during this time frame- I still felt the status quo, meaning very tired and very large.  I would say I got crankier earlier with this pregnancy.  Most likely because people continue(d) to call me large on the daily.  I will see if I can devote a post to that later just so that perhaps I save any of you from making a pregnant woman cry in a bathroom and/or make you laugh because you aren't the only one.

As I alluded to in my 28 week post, baby Bucket and I failed our first test together 2 days into week 29.  High five for doing things together?  We bombed our 3 hour glucose test.  I want to say that my scores were 193, 157 and 116.  I was supposed to be in the 120's for 2 out of the 3.  I cried like a baby in the parking lot of Potbelly afterwards.  All around it was a stunning moment for us.  So began a saga of poking myself 4 times a day and learning that EVERYTHING has carbs in it.  Literally everything.

For those unfamiliar with gestational diabetes, the main thing is trying to balance your carbs and protein at each meal and being sure to eat at the same time every day.  The second part any preggo is probably pretty solid at- the first part your girl is NOT good at.  All my great loves in life are made with care and plenty of processed carbohydrates.  So I by about day #4 of GD-dieting I was way over almonds, fish and eggs.  On the bright side, I think I am very lucky relative to some people with GD because I didn't have an incredibly hard time for the most part.  As long as I made smart(ish) choices my readings were good and those that were outside of the range were just barely above.  All joking aside, sweet Bucket, I know it was for a good cause.  Let's try to remember this story when you are refusing vegetables though, mmmk?  I'm not afraid to play this card.

29 weeks.  Not the most flattering outfit I've ever chosen for myself.  Perhaps this day I deserved some of the commentary.

30 weeks.  I'm not sure what I thought was so funny at 6:30 am.

31 weeks.

32 weeks.  Please note how much earlier I got lazy with blow drying my hair this pregnancy.

In reviewing my official files (please read: photostream), I'm finding that the biggest visual evidence of progress made during this period was that my Dad was kind enough to come over to help Ryan hang chair rail in Emery's new room and move all of her furniture out of Bucket's room.  I'm sure Bucket appreciated the eviction of her little squatter.  Other than that I would say that this time frame was the calm before the storm.  Starting just after I hit 32 weeks I embarked on something I recommend no breathing, let alone pregnant, woman ever doing, but THAT is a story for another post, isn't it?  

How it's possible that another 4 weeks has slipped by (and actually another 4 since this), is really beyond me.  See you kids in a bit when I get us caught up to 36 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Baby Bucket, come on down! Time to paaaarty. October is a great month...November's alright. Wanna be a Birthoween baby? See you tomorrow!
