Monday, September 6, 2010

Mimosas and Motocross and Mayer - Oh my!

If you were just thinking to yourself, man I really miss in May and June when Amy was writing those blog posts that were 3 pages long in Word with like 36 pictures each - then today is your lucky day!  If you weren't thinking that, you might want to skip this post.  :c)  I should probably split up my Labor Day Weekend into multiple posts but I'm just going to jam it all into a super-post- you could use a break on your first day back to work after a holiday weekend anyway, right?  Prop up your feet and enjoy a tale of fast food establishments, changing in public garages and tire malfuctions.  Here we go...

Saturday morning was the much-anticipated Brunch Season kick off.  We started the season off at Shade in the Heights.  In order to better relate to the football-obsessed men in our lives, we decided to particpate in a fantasy celebrity league.  We were scheduled to have a paper draft at our season kick off brunch... however, we forgot an integral part of that equation: the paper with the eligible draftees.  Whoops!  Instead we opted to let the league auto draft for us and just indulge in mimosas instead.  Unfortuantely for me, auto drafting led to a team that includes Jon Hamm.  I do not believe this will be a winning season for yours truly.

If you didn't make it out, we missed you.  If you want to be included, let me know.  :c) 

Noah finds fantasy celebrity drafts exhausting

Dena & April

Noah, Jenn & Jamie

Shawna & Caitlin

Sara & I

Alex & Sarah

Jenn, Caitlin, Dena, April, Alex, Sarah, Sara, Me, Jen & Shawna

Kick-off Crew

My Labor Day weekend Sunday brought a whole new meaning to the term "Sunday Funday."  I had a motocross event to attend, a bridal shower and the John Mayer concert.  I started the day out in Conroe at 9:30 am and didn't return until about 11:30 pm with 3 costume changes and about 150 miles in between.  I had waaay too much fun.


Ryan's Dad has been riding dirtbikes for years and years.  This past Sunday he invited the Martins, Eastmans, my family and I to watch him race at Three Palms Extreme Sports up near Conroe.  At about 9:45 am we piled into cars and set out.  Thanks to a stop for gas and a stop at McDonalds (in order to immerse ourselves in the motocross culture), we arrived just in time to watch Mr. Martin compete in his first race at about 11:15.  He placed third.  What a stud, right?

I had to leave at about 12:45 to drive about an hour south and make it to a bridal shower that started at 2:00.  So, unfortunately I missed Mr. Martin's second race, but luckily my family stuck around and my Dad got some awesome pics.  I'm going to post a ton of pictures below, but I can't help it- I am amazed that my future Father in Law does this.  Also, my Dad took some amazing pics and I'm having a hard time picking favs. 

I had such a great time and am already looking forward to the next one. 

My new fav motocrosser

Excited supporters- Mamacita & Daddio

This is Matt's "I'm Excited!" face

Go #14

"Mike, do you think next year they will have a Harley division?"

Caddy & Julie

Mom & I - between race bonding

Scoping out the best place to get pics for the next race.  Which is apparently right in the middle of the course.

Ashley's Bridal Shower
So I left the motocross race at about 12:45 and headed south to go to my friend Ashley's bridal shower.  Ashley and I went to college together, joined the same sorority and were both in the b-school.  She's all-around fabulous and I'm so happy for her to have found the love of her life.  I can't wait for she and Travis' wedding in October.

As you might imagine, I was in no state, either fashion-wise or aroma-wise, to head straight to a bridal shower, or really any social setting, after the events pictured above.  I didn't think the porta potties at Three Palms were viable options for changing into a dress... so I set out with no real place for where I was going to change.  About 5 minutes into my journey, I pulled over in the Woodlands and stopped at the first place I came to that I knew would have a restroom.  The winner was - Popeyes.  Don't believe me?

Thank you, Popeyes

The creative maneveuring neccessary to change in a public restroom without letting any part of your body touch the unsanitary floors or walls (throw new shoe on the floor, balance like a flamingo, remove old shoe, gingerly step into new shoe without falling... ladies, you know what I mean) ate into my travel time a little more than I expected.  I set back out and was making pretty good time.  I turned onto South Post Oak with about 8 minutes to spare.  And then.....

...this happened.

Yes, that is a flat tire.  Since every member of my family was surrounded by motocross and there was no chance they would hear my phone calls- I searched through my glove compartment and found an Audi Roadside Assistance number.  A kind gentleman showed up 30 minutes later.  I suspect that it might have been his first tire change based on the fact that multiple times during the process he would touch a lug nut and sit back and assess the situation for 30 seconds, pick up a tool, set it down and then repeat the process.  About 25 minutes later, the new tire was on and I was off again.  I arrived to the shower about an hour late and about 10 times more disshevelled than when I originally set out on my journey.  Luckily Ashley's family was kind and pretended not to notice that I looked like swamp thing.  It was so good to see her and her future sister in law did such a great job with the shower.

Adorable desserts with candy Scrabble pieces.  They played Scrabble on one of their first dates.

How cute are those high heels cookies in the top left hand corner?

Ashley and I.  Can you tell who spent 45 minutes in a Whataburger parking lot in the Houston heat?

John Mayer Concert
After the shower, I hoped in the car and headed back up North to Cynthia Woods for the John Mayer concert.  Based on how far I was from home and the time the shower ended, I didn't have enough time to run by home in Conroe but I also was going to get to Cynthia Woods really early.  My phone was about to die thanks to the flat tire mishap and I was charger-less.  I stopped at Best Buy to get a car charger and a bag of pretzels because I hadn't eaten since breakfast at McD's and I had a feeling some drinking was in my future.

I talked Shawna and Caitlin into heading to the concert early to meet me at Baker's Street for a drink pre-concert.  The next costume change took place in my car in a parking garage on Water Way Square near Baker's Street.  After 3 fast food establishments across greater Houston in one day, I decided to mix it up some.

Caitlin & Kelcee at Baker's Street

After Baker's Street we headed over to John Mayer and met up with Jen.  I know that not everyone is a John Mayer fan, but I love that guy.  He's easily the most entertaining live performer I've ever seen.  Thank you so much for organizing and getting us tickets, Jen! 

Jen loves JM enough to drink beer

Probably tweeting JM.


"Do you want a single or a double?"
"Yeah, I'm single."
"Good to know... but did you want a single or double?"

Telling us he threw his back out.  Playing wiffle ball.

Caitlin <3s jumpers

Kelcee, Caitlin, Shawna & Jen

"Gravity" brings out some deep emotions

I just like this picture.

The end.

After Sunday's festivities, I relaxed in Conroe with the fam and Ryan.  Thanks to some inclimate weather:

we were forced to spend much of the day inside.  We hung out and played Euchre (now called "Euchkle" thanks to Ryan) and Skip Bo.  We also discussed tennis etiquette, taught Caddy what a "dome" is, the importance of the use of helmets and all learned a thing or two about Twitter.  It was a perfectly relaxing day and exactly what I needed.  Fantastic ending to a fantastic weekend.  :c)


  1. Ryan's dad is way cooler than Ryan. Can you upgrade??

  2. hahaha... Ryan was pretending he didn't know how to tweet.. but upon closer inspection he DEEFF knows how to tweet... mostly inappropriate things relating to John Mayer. He must be the reason for the disclaimer above about everyone not loving JM. Amy.... you better get a twitter account... if nothing else but to sensor RhinoMartini! Anywho... great post... great weekend! :)
