Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Want Me to Change Your Life?"

This past weekend, our dear friend Brendan was kind enough to host the 3rd annual Lake Weekend.  More specifically, his family was kind enough to allow us into their home once again.  I'm fairly certain given the mishaps in previous years, the vast majority would have advised against it.  A short sampling of prior Lake Weekend events: trips to the ER, boat malfunctions, several passengers overboard (2 of them were David), lake authorities and a looooooot of grilling.  Each year I've had increasingly more fun and this year was no exception.

Friday night was filled with flip cup, beerpong, hot dogs, cheesy Schambeezies (patent pending) and way too many stories and quotes to jam into one post.  There was some late night swimming and some hydrogen peroxide.  Some ant bites and some creative use of solo cups.  Reviewing our camera the next day caused Jen to laugh so hard she cried.  Primeaux also cried...but for a different reason.

Saturday was spent recovering from the previous nights antics, hanging out in the lake and listening to music.  I conquered my distaste for lake water for approximately 25 minutes.  Since we are all in our late 20s, it's not as easy (read: impossible) to have 2 legendary nights in a row.  Saturday night was mostly spent playing the most alarming and hilarious game of "would you rather" I have ever been a part of.     

All in all, it was an amazing weekend with some hysterically entertaining friends.  Thank you to the Schambles for opening your home to a bunch of crazy kids and thank you to all participants.  You know what you did.

Unfortuntely for you the audience (but very fortunately for Lake Weekend participants who hope to run for office in the future) I do not have many pictures to share with you guys.  Enjoy the few that I don't think will cause anyone too much heartburn.

Meat, milk and wine.  What more could one need?

Only one of these bags is mine.  The other is what my significant other considers acceptable luggage.  He has taken it on bachelor party trips in case you were curious.

A sign that last year's Lake Weekend resulted in more casualties than we previously thought.

Ryan, Primeaux, Brendan & Jen.  It only goes downhill from here.

"Is that man in his...?  No, surely he can't be.  Is that time stamp right?" 

Jen looks more excited at the prospect of marrying Rashell than Brendan.

Ryan explaining house rules.  Or baseball.  Who knows.

Proper stance is crucial.

Wondering what "calphalon" means.

Post late night swim #1

Babe Ruth of Beerpong?

Every bit as skeptical as I look

Keep it classy, Conroe.

The Schamble perfecting some cheesy Schambeezy

Finished product.

1 comment:

  1. OMGOSH this makes me so sad. I almost didnt allow myself to read it, knowing how jealous i would be. :(

    Looks like a blast!!
