Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Here I Am!

Well hello, hello!  As you may have noticed (and/or pointed out to me multiple times) - I have taken a longer than precedented hiatus from this bad boy.  I apologize!  Trust me when I say that there has been lots going on behind the scenes which has clearly distracted me from what should be priority numero uno- giving my sister you all something to read during her your lunch break.

Truth be told- I'm now so behind that the prospect of getting caught up sounds extraordinarily overwhelming, but since when do I shirk challenges?  So... here we go.  I'm committing right now to getting myself back up to the present time.  I can't promise you how long this will take, but I'll get 'er done.  So hang on dear friends.  Updates on the bebes, vacays and maybe even a crazy undertaking we Martins are pursuing are coming at ya.

In the mean time, enjoy a couple pics that will hopefully serve as a peace offering for my time of absence.  Smooches.

1 out of 3 naked for a public outing isn't bad, right?  (Note what Ryan refers to affectionately as Bella's prison ink.)

This gem came home from school with the BooBoo yesterday.  Every time I look at it, I laugh.


  1. That's Brynn's future rap CD pose. Gangsta y'all.

  2. So very glad the blog is back!!

  3. Yay! Thanks for the shout out! Looking forward to more lunchtime reading. :)
